





Hershey's Commercial

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Length: 40 seconds
Director: Roger Alford
Music: Hal Stephens

About the Production

Last year, I went to a showing of film Wings (1927), the first film to win the Oscar® for Best Picture. One short scene, remembered today for introducing a Hollywood icon, struck me as having another significance, too. I thought it would make a great commercial for the Academy Awards broadcast. So, I created this "commercial" just for fun.

If you haven't seen Wings, I highly recommend it. It's the most realistic portrayal of World War I ever created on film, a feat that can never be repeated. The director, William Wellman, and many of the actors actually fought in WWI, which had ended less than ten years earlier. Several of the actors, including the leads, were WWI pilots, and flew their own planes in the film. In fact, when casting the film, the first question asked of potential actors wasn't "Can you act?" but rather, "Can you fly?"

This "commercial" was created for entertainment purposes only and is not endorsed by Hershey Foods Corporation in any way. "Hershey's" is a registered trademark of Hershey's Foods Corporation.