Short Story
Scenes and Musical Numbers
Act I
- East London Port, Day/Night
Limehouse Nights (Company)
Chinaman Song (Battling Burrows)
- TAI FU’s shop, Limehouse District, Morning
What Is This Place? (Cheng Huan)

Do As The English Do (Charlie Woo)
- Street outside TAI FU’s Shop, Night
Trapped In This Place (Cheng Huan)
- Street outside TAI FU’s Shop, Morning
Does Anybody See That Girl? (Cheng
- Blue Lantern Pub, Afternoon
Gorilla of East London (Battling Burrows) 
- Alley outside BURROWS’ home
- BURROWS' home
Esmerelda's Forest [Storybook Song] (Lucy Burrows) 
- TAI FU's shop, local market
Does Anybody See That Girl? [Reprise] (Cheng Huan)
Trapped In This Place [Reprise] (Cheng Huan
and Tai Songlian)
- Blue Lantern Pub, Night
- Streets of Limehouse, Night
- Opium Den, Night
Opium Dreams (Dragon Lady, Ladies of the Night)

- BURROWS’ house, early morning
- Street outside TAI FU's shop, early morning
Act II
- CHENG HUAN’s flat, Night
Sleep Well, White Blossom (Cheng
- CHENG HUAN's flat, Late Morning
- TAI FU's Shop
- CHENG HUAN's flat
Esmerelda’s Forest [Reprise] (Lucy Burrows)
- Park, Early Morning
- CHENG HUAN's flat
Someone Else (Cheng Huan and Lucy Burrows)
- Outside Blue Lantern Pub, Night
- Opium Den, Night
- CHENG HUAN's flat, Morning
By The Window (Lucy Burrows)

- TAI FU's Shop, Afternoon
- Outside Pub, Night
- Outside Opium Den, Night
The Yellow Man (Cheng Huan and Thugs)
- CHENG HUAN's Flat, Night
- BURROWS' House, Night
- CHENG HUAN's Flat, Night
The Yellow Man [Reprise] (Cheng Huan)
Why Did You Have to Love This Girl? (Tai Songlian)
Limehouse District, London